Sunday, December 7, 2008

Home Isn't Home Until You Break It In

Any person knows that moving is a pain in the royal butt. Also that it will take longer than expected because there is always that one thing, shoved in that one corner, that someone gave you for some occasion, however many years ago and you're not sure why you still have it, but keep it anyway.
All in all it took us about a week to move in everything. The last thing to be moved into our new place was our couch. So we get it off the moving truck and get it up to the door and of course, as always, it won't fit through the door. So you sit outside your front door dancing around trying to squeeze it through every way you think it could possibly fit. When your done you're still standing on the doorstep, couch in hand.
We decided that we were going to have to be creative if we wanted it to fit. Then again there is always dropping it off at the dumpster and getting a smaller one that we know will fit through our doorway. Anyhow we unscrewed all of the legs and squeezed it through the doorway and about two steps into the house the couch goes flying against the wall and shatters our light switch plate. As everyone knows moving day isn't moving day until your new place has some hole in the wall, scratch on the floor, or in our case a shattered light switch plate. We can now call it our home.


Kara said...

Heck yes! Way to listen to your wise sister and start a blog!!!

Mom - Monica said...

Actually, she did it after I did mine, so if there are pats on the back, I get