Friday, December 12, 2008

Man Made Machine

For all those who may think that paying a bill inside a store is quick and painless, well its not as easy as one may think. Here are a couple things you need to know, don't expect a human being to be the one that accepts your payment, apparently they are too lazy to take dollar bills from you so they point you to a machine sitting over in the corner collecting dust. So you make your way to the back of the store and get to the machine but if you were planning on paying with cash be aware that you forfeit whatever change you would have got back. Apparently this machine isn't as high tech as you would have thought and can't distribute change but also doesn't have a place to put coins either. So in frustration you walk up to the front to the guy that pointed you to the ghetto machine in the first place and he is all willing to help you out. He asks if the machine was able to pull up your account and so you say yes and apparently because it pulled up your account it can take your payment. However, its your last payment before closing this account and you explain that, so he says oh I can help you right over here. So you walk around the that side of the counter and he starts processing it and says okay now because I am taking your payment it will be a five dollar charge. Well now you think to yourself okay if I wanted to pay five more dollars I would have just forfeited my change to the machine in the corner.

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