Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Great Debate: Kids

Top 10 reasons to have a kid vs. a K9:

10. Children live longer than dogs.

9. When going out, you have to leave your dog at home, but you can cart your kid anywhere.

8. Kids don't shed!

7. Kids are cuter. More people fuss over them!

6. You can't actually be allergic to children.

5. With children, you get to experience the joy of life growing inside of you.

4. You can strap a kid down in the car (so they don't straddle your shoulder with their head hanging out of the window).

3. Their poop is contained in diapers... usually!

2. Kids don't eat your underwear.

1. Kids say the darnedest things!

**Check out Kara's side of the story HERE.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wow....the things that come up...

This was pretty fun and gives you a good laugh. Go to google and type in "[your name] " to see what comes up and is the best/ most funny answer.

Jenny find herself a baller
(i'm not sure what a baller is and what I would do with one)

Chad needs...strong protection force
(from his wife)

Jenny looks like....a beach bunny
(you know you like it)

Chad looks like....a retarded nerd that thinks he's tough
(you know when he puts those glasses on j/k)

Jenny says...turn off the light
(every night those are the last words chad hears)

Chad says...good morning
(even if his wife is half asleep)

Jenny wants...the armadillo
(i'm not sure what that means...but I like it ;) )

Chad use oil money to buy weapons
(for the stupid drivers on the road)

Jenny does...her low down dance
(just ask chad how that goes)

Chad does...back flip on pogo stick
(he's very talented)

Jenny hates...people touching her belly
(who does that honestly)

Chad hates...aliens
(if they are real)

Jenny asks....a stranger to pose nude for her school project
(huba huba)

Chad asks....not once but twice
(right before you know what)

Jenny goes....dirty
(in the bedroom)

Chad goes....monkey bike riding
(you don't even want to know)

Jenny climb into things and hide
(hide and go seek, come on get your minds out of the gutter)

Chad likes....having one when he is nervous
(even I don't know what "one" he likes to have when he is nervous)

Jenny eats...a tiny amount of forbidden food
(when its that time of the month)

Chad eats...ten kabobs in ten minutes
(amazing skill)

Jenny wears...glittery and silver pants
(disco baby)

Chad wears...a brace to keep his feet in place
(if you had to do security in one spot for 13 hours you would too)

Jenny was arrested...for killing her sister
(it wasn't my was the armadillo)

Chad was arrested...for killing a fellow students parrot in a microwave
(you would too if it ratted you out)

Well that certainly was fun! Give it a whirl!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Price of a Pet

Fish for aquarium: $3.97

Supplies for fish aquarium: $24.92

The look on your husbands face when he finds
out how much a fish costs: Priceless

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Engagement Photo Shoot

So everyone knows that when you get married you have to go to the trouble of getting photos taken to send out with your invitations. So Saturday we decided would be the day. It just so happened that it had barely snowed so there was fresh snow in the trees and it looked very beautiful. So we bundled up and went over to my parents house because their yard is very scenic and close to the mountains. As cold as it was we tried to hurry and get some good pictures. So here is what we came out with.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Man Made Machine

For all those who may think that paying a bill inside a store is quick and painless, well its not as easy as one may think. Here are a couple things you need to know, don't expect a human being to be the one that accepts your payment, apparently they are too lazy to take dollar bills from you so they point you to a machine sitting over in the corner collecting dust. So you make your way to the back of the store and get to the machine but if you were planning on paying with cash be aware that you forfeit whatever change you would have got back. Apparently this machine isn't as high tech as you would have thought and can't distribute change but also doesn't have a place to put coins either. So in frustration you walk up to the front to the guy that pointed you to the ghetto machine in the first place and he is all willing to help you out. He asks if the machine was able to pull up your account and so you say yes and apparently because it pulled up your account it can take your payment. However, its your last payment before closing this account and you explain that, so he says oh I can help you right over here. So you walk around the that side of the counter and he starts processing it and says okay now because I am taking your payment it will be a five dollar charge. Well now you think to yourself okay if I wanted to pay five more dollars I would have just forfeited my change to the machine in the corner.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Home Isn't Home Until You Break It In

Any person knows that moving is a pain in the royal butt. Also that it will take longer than expected because there is always that one thing, shoved in that one corner, that someone gave you for some occasion, however many years ago and you're not sure why you still have it, but keep it anyway.
All in all it took us about a week to move in everything. The last thing to be moved into our new place was our couch. So we get it off the moving truck and get it up to the door and of course, as always, it won't fit through the door. So you sit outside your front door dancing around trying to squeeze it through every way you think it could possibly fit. When your done you're still standing on the doorstep, couch in hand.
We decided that we were going to have to be creative if we wanted it to fit. Then again there is always dropping it off at the dumpster and getting a smaller one that we know will fit through our doorway. Anyhow we unscrewed all of the legs and squeezed it through the doorway and about two steps into the house the couch goes flying against the wall and shatters our light switch plate. As everyone knows moving day isn't moving day until your new place has some hole in the wall, scratch on the floor, or in our case a shattered light switch plate. We can now call it our home.