Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Great Debate: Kids

Top 10 reasons to have a kid vs. a K9:

10. Children live longer than dogs.

9. When going out, you have to leave your dog at home, but you can cart your kid anywhere.

8. Kids don't shed!

7. Kids are cuter. More people fuss over them!

6. You can't actually be allergic to children.

5. With children, you get to experience the joy of life growing inside of you.

4. You can strap a kid down in the car (so they don't straddle your shoulder with their head hanging out of the window).

3. Their poop is contained in diapers... usually!

2. Kids don't eat your underwear.

1. Kids say the darnedest things!

**Check out Kara's side of the story HERE.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Hahaha!! Good points.. I'm still all for dogs (for now), but you don't make it sound so terrible! LOL